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Mobile Clinic


Quality Care in Convenient Locations

Because it is not always convenient to come to one of our clinics, we use the services of ICU Mobile (Image Clear Ultrasound). This modern, state of the art, mobile medical clinic can be found at numerous locations around the greater Pittsburgh area, and several locations in Beaver County, providing cost-free pregnancy testing, counseling and ultrasound services to confirm pregnancy. All services are available to you at no charge.

ICU Mobile is parked at different locations each day to accommodate you, making it easy to stop in for a prompt visit. We serve different locations including Oakland, the North Side, East Liberty, the Hill District, Edgewood, Homestead and others in the Pittsburgh area.  We also serve Beaver Falls, Aliquippa, Rochester, Midland, Ambridge, etc. in Beaver County.

Appointments can be made or “walk-ins” will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis. While Choices can provide you with all the necessary information regarding your options we do not provide referrals for or offer termination services.

The ICU Mobile locations and times are subject to change due to weather (including heat advisories, extreme cold, ice or snow), maintenance, and/or staffing issues.  Please call 412-248-7353 to schedule an appointment and verify the time and location.

If necessary ICU will GO to you! Please call to see if you qualify for services and arrive on time in order to “hold your appointment.” 

Mobile Clinic Schedule – Subject to change.  Please call to verify location.

Monday: Beaver Falls/Aliquippa

Tuesday: East Liberty

Wednesday: Ambridge/Rochester

Thursday: Homestead/Oakland

Friday: Southside (East Carson)

Saturday: Northside/East Liberty

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